Q. If someone makes an oath, promise and pledge to Allah to stop smoking and they go back and continue smoking is there any consequence for this and what is/are them/they. A. In this case, a person will be accountable to Allah for breaking his […]
Q. Can you please tell me about the grave? A. Anas reported that the Apostle of Allah said, “Verily a servant, when he is placed in the grave and his companions depart from him to the extent that he hears the knocking of their shoes, […]
Q. I was asked by a relative who is Hindu about what happens to the soul when a person dies. He wanted to know, can the soul be judged by what the body does? He specifically wanted to know if the soul can be punished, […]
Q. I was told that there is a prayer or dua that I can say before my wife and I have sex in order to have a pious child. Presently both of us say bismillah just before penetration. I don’t know if I was mis-informed? […]
Q. At what distance does a person become a musaafir? Is this distance “as the crow flies” i.e a straight line or is it according to the road you take? When a person is calculating the length of the journey, does he also include the […]
Q. What is the opinion of the Darul Uloom on the Tablighi Jamaat. As I want to take part in the activities that these brothers do 3 days etc. but another brother in the mosque told me that they are a misguided sect and he […]
Q. What is the difference between Sunni and Salafi Islam? A. There is no such word as ‘Salafi Islam’. This is not a term which has been used among the Muslims nor did it refer to a group of Muslims in the past. Islam as […]
Q. If a couple that is already married (be it Hindu, or Christian rights) and reverted to Islam, should they perform the nikkah? From logical thinking I thought they should, as they would have joined in a period of their life that incorporated shirk. My […]
Q. Could you kindly explain as to what is the correct way for one to take Shahadah for males and females. A. When one wishes to embrace Islam, it is recommended that he/she takes a bath. If a bath was not taken before, then after […]
Q. I was very young at the time and I went over to a very good friend on Divali night. They were doing their prayers and I was invited to sit with them, they shared out flowers and I took one. I just sat there […]