Q. Can a man have more than one wife and what would be the conditions for him to have several wives even though he is married to one woman? A. Based on the sound teachings of the Holy Quran and the teachings of the Prophet […]
Q. Please explain briefly, the difference in: Sunni, Shia and Ahmadiya Muslims with regards to us here in Trinidad. A. The word Sunni is a name used for a person who is an adherent to the creed of ‘Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah’. This group is […]
Q. I would like to know where is it stated about the rewards of the 99 names of Allah. Many times I would read, but it is never quoted where it came from. I will read that the Prophet said so but which hadeeth is […]
Q. This question is about the burning of lobhan. My son at times gives me trouble to eat food and he at times disdains it. Over time nothing I did seemed to work and one day I carried him by a person to dua him. […]
Q. What exactly defines as beard, to the side of your face or isn’t it the jaw bone? A. With respect to the guidelines which have been given regarding the beard, the Prophet (S.A) is reported to have said: 1) ‘Grow your beards (Al-liha) and […]
Q. Is it permissible to pray behind a person who is involved in singing Tazeem and going Maulood functions? A. The act of singing and standing for the ‘Customary Tazeem’, as well as, the ‘hosting of Maulood Functions’ are all considered to be innovated actions, […]
Q. A christian rose the following argument regarding the Revolution of the Quran. Every prophet in the Old and New Testament received Holy Scripture directly from God Himself. According to Mohammed’s own testimony, however, he is the only prophet in history not to receive revelation […]
Q. A girl who claims to be salafi told me that to recite quranic verses and blow on the water to give to the sick is not proved by sunnah. Also to write quranic verses on a paper and then dissolve it in water to […]
Q. Please tell me if it is sunnah to cover your head while eating, drinking water and sleeping? A. It is mentioned that the Prophet (SAS) used to have his head covered while eating and drinking. So, it will be regarded as a Sunnah to […]
Q. I work in Azerbaijan, which is mostly a Shia community. On the drilling rig that I am assigned, there is a prayer room where the workers perform their salaah. There are a few Sunni brothers who form a Jamaah for the daily salaah. Is […]