Question: What exactly is tazeem and is there any basis for three days and forty days functions? Answer: No, there is no basis in the Shariah for three days and forty days functions. ‘Tazeem’ literally means to show respect and reverence to someone. Based on […]
Question: Please tell us about what Islam says about destiny? Also, if sickness comes to us by Allah’s will, then is it going against his will when one goes to the doctor, or to take medicine or do operations? And on the other hand, from […]
Question: I have read the various Aqeedas of Ahlus Sunnah. Could you please explain the concept of “Hayatun Nabi” and the proofs that the Rasool is alive in his grave. Answer: The Aqeedah of the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaat, is that the Prophet (S.A.S.) is […]
Question: I always thought that the time of death has been written and is final when the rooh (soul) was created, until a few days ago one scholar told me that it is not the case. The time of death can be changed with duas […]
Question: Someone has said that if you do not accept Isa Alaihis Salaam before your father and mother then you are not a true believer. Is this true, if it is so or not could you please explain it? Answer: I do not understand this […]
Question: Why blood donation is considered as impermissible? Blood donation is mean of saving life of human. I have read in Qur’an that one who saves the life of one person, actually he has saved the life of whole mankind. Someone told me that it […]
Question: As Salam Alaikum, I was listening to parts of Sunday’s lecture and you said that going to a fortune teller is shirk because only Allah has knowledge of the future. I do agree with you that it is shirk because it is putting your […]
Question: Assalamu Alaykum, If a person committed an act of Kufr which takes him out of the fold of Islam is it enough that he recites the Shahadah with firm belief? What if the person does not beg for forgiveness from Allah (Subhanu Wa Ta’ala), […]
Question: How can I explain the matter of belief and disbelief without offending? Answer: As Salaamu Alaikum, You can choose the pattern of ‘exchanging ideas’ with another person (on this topic), without looking as if you want to condemn what they believe in. You can […]
Question: When a non Muslim is going through hard times example electricity cut and asks the Question, “what am I doing wrong and I find everything bad happening one after the next?” how should a Muslim reply without provoking an argument but also try to […]