Question: Assalaamu alaikum I came across a couple different opinions recently about Allah swt. as to if He is on the throne in Jannah or if he is everywhere. Seems confusing. What is the correct answer? Thanks, Wassalaamu Alaikum Answer: Wa Alaikumus Salaam Wa Rahmatullah, […]
Question: Is Harun Yahya a reliable author? I used to read his books but Few days ago, I came across a video where a Sheikh claims him to be a promoter of Wahdat ul wujood and appeals to beware from him. 2.please explain the concept […]
Question: Is it true that a newborn baby only sees angels up till a certain amount of days? If so, how many days after birth do they stop seeing angels and start seeing everything and everyone else? Answer: Salaams, This is the statement of many […]
Question: As salam u alaikum, I see some knowledge on numbers as it relates to certain topics, 1. does the Number 786 or it’s arabic equilivant have any real significant religious value? 2. does 666 in christianity have any real valus as well? Thankyou Answer: […]
Question: If a person plays a video game where there’s Shirk, does the player become a Kafir playing it? If a person watches a movie that has Shirk/Kufr, does the viewer of such movies become a Kafir? JazakAllah Khair. Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salam, In […]
Question: What does islam says about Halloween? Answer: Halloween is based on myths and fabricated stories, and owes its origin to pagan roots. Some are of the opinion that it is a feast of the Christians. Whatever the case, it is not allowed in Islam. […]
Question: Asalaamu ‘alaikum Is there a difference between Jannah (Garden) and Samaa’a (Heaven)? Answer: Wa Alaikum as Salaam Samaa’a as used in the Holy Quran and ahadith refer to the skies which are known as the heavens. This is separate from Jannah which refers to […]
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum I would like to know if there is anything wrong with playing chess and if there is I would like to know why. Answer: As Salaamu Alaikum, According to the majority of Scholars, playing chess is haram and unlawful. Regarding chess, Ali […]
Question: As-Salamu Alykum, If I say that some food which contains haram ingredients (like Nutella, or meat that was not slaugtered in halal way) is tasty is that kufr if i still believe that those ingredients are haram and not good to eat? Answer: Wa […]
Question: i am very confused about the usage of Allah’s attributes. for instance Allah is As Samad (self sufficient)or Al Qudoos (the Holy). therefore can i say in class “we need to take the following steps so that our economy can be self sufficient” when […]