Q. Kindly inform me about ‘Farasah’. What is ‘Farasah’? How is it acquired? Is it a natural gift from Allah subhanahu taala from birth or acquired later by certain acts? Kindly quote the salient examples illustrating it from the sirat of Rasullah s.a.s. and the […]
Question: 1. when you shave a new born’s hair do you give the weight of the hair in charity? 2. does cats and rabbits keep away jins from your home? Answer: As Salaamu Alaikum, 1. Yes, you will give the weight of the hair […]
Question: Why is the grave of the Prophet (SAWS) in his mosque, is it not forbidden to pray at a grave site? His bones are not even in that place any more. Answer: When the Prophet (SAS) died, he was buried in the room of […]
Assalaamu Alaikum. Recently, I came across a book called “Many Lives, Many Masters” by Dr. Brian Weiss, which speaks of Reincarnation. It explains that reincarnation is a belief in Hinduism, Buddhism and even Christianity. I know that as muslims we do not hold to this […]
Comment: Salaams Brother/Sister I am 14 years old a new Muslim and recently I have been falling back on my practicing I haven’t said my prayers in a couple months and when I started back recently i only got in the Fajr prayer. Also when […]
Question: Asalaamu Alaikum Can I get some information concerning covering your head and feet to enter the toilet. Is this authentic? Jazakallahkhair Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, Yes, it is authentic that when entering the toilet you should cover your head and feet. In […]
Assalaamu Alaikum. Is it wrong to say Jazaak Allah instead of Jazaak Allah Khair? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, No, you can say Jazaak Allah alone. And Allah knows best, Mufti Waseem Khan
Questions: Who is Imam Mehdi, What is gog and magog and who is the dajjal? Can you explain the coming of prophet Isa alaihi salaam, imam mehdi, gog and magog and the dajjal? Also what is the role of imam mehdi and prophet isa? Answer: […]
Dear brothers, I would like to find out if an amulet containing Islamic contents such as Dua Jameela on a piece of paper can be blessed by an imam to place in ones car as safety to avoid accidents/ calamities? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, […]
Q. Can you kindly explain in detail what our view is as Muslims, concerning the theory of Evolution please. We are interested in showing our non-Muslims accomplices evidences from the Quran and from science itself that refutes evolution. A. The following is a beautiful article […]