QUESTION As Salaamu Alaikum, I have a question on Zakaat.If I have a vehicle and I tell someone to work it for me for a specified time and at a specific amount for the week (eg. 2 years) and then it will belong to him,how […]
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum, I would like to know if it permissible to purchase shares in a company? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, If the company deals in products that are Halal and the company’s business is not based on interest and gambling, then it is permissible to […]
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum, is it permissible to apply for claims/grants such as ‘maternity grants/special maternity grants’ if you are paying NIS as part of your legal job requirement? And if the grant is more than that which you have paid to them but you will […]
QUESTION: Dear Mufti, Can you say if pension plans that are interest free and accident and emergency medical plans together with education plans for children to go uwi is permissible from Guardian life? ————————————————————————————- ANSWER: As Salaam Alaikum, Pension plans that are interest free is […]
QUESTION: Assalamu Alaikum, Mufti, My question today is based on if Forex Trading is Permissible in Islam? I have been doing some research for myself but i need advice from you. From certain articles online it is said that the prophet pbuh said it was […]
Assalamu Alaikum, My mom does sales for a living, purchasing of wholesale goods to resell retail. Once a month she receive goods on credit. She will receive the goods without paying upfront and then she will resell at her retail prices then payback the wholesale company […]
Assalam-O-Alaikum, I would like to know if a deferred annuity is halal to have. Looking forward to your speedy reply. Wa Alaikum Assalaam, الجواب و بالله التوفيق A Deferred Annuity is not halal to have. This ‘Annuity’ is bought from an insurance company where you are required to […]
Assalaamu Alaikum Mufti Sahib, I’m in need of financial advice…in regards to those Tax Saving Incentive Plans (TSIP) whereby one can reclaim on one’s annual income tax, are there any halal ones available? If so, can you direct me to one? Also, even if there’s no […]
Assalaamu Alaikum, I would like to know if the following are permissible in Islam please: Is it permissible to use money borrowed from a non-Muslim person who took a loan to lend it to the Muslim person? Is it permissible for a Muslim person to […]
Assalamu Alaikum. I would like to know what some halal investments are in T&T. Is unit trust permissible? Also gov’t bonds, corporate bonds, mortgage funds and property and equity funds. I was approached in particular by someone from maritime life about these interns of an […]