Question: What’s the maslah concerning if for example my neighbour’s fruit tree has a branch with fruits on it hanging over on my side of the fence, are those fruits hanging on my side liable for me to pick without the neighbour’s permission or do […]
Question: Can a muslim plait his hair? If yes for how long can they keep it? Answer: It is an established principle in the shariah that men must not imitate women and women must not imitate men. This is based on the authentic tradition of […]
Question: assalamoalaikum wa rehmatullahi wa barakaatahu, mufti saheb, I read that only gold and silver rings are permissible to wear, but someone said that there is no proof in hadith for it, plz mufti saheb give evidence for it:. JazakAllahu khairan Answer: Wa Alaikum As […]
Questions: Asalamualaikum, 1) If a person is on his way or intending to come to class, can we mark him present on the attendance register, just to save his time, although he was on his way to class or had intended to attend that class? […]
Question How is it that you all do not debate with these people who go against you all, and you leave them alone. Â Answer First of all, I must make it clear to you that we do not debate with anyone. Secondly, we do not […]