Question: As Salaamu Alaikum, Will any of the Islamic sharia be broken if a woman fights for custody of her children, maintenance for them according to the law of the land? Can a woman receive alimony payment from her husband if they are divorced according […]
As Salaamu Alaikum, QUESTION: If a child is wean off from directly breastfeeding at 2 years of age as recommended, can the milk be expressed and given to the child in a cup or bottle for the nutritional values? Can expressed milk be given to […]
Question: As Salaamu Alaikum, Two things 1 can the person who called the Adnan lead the salaat being the only one in the mosque at the time? 2 can a brother hold his child and pray salaat? Is the salaat acceptable? JazakAllah khair Answer: Wa […]
Question: As Salaamu Alaikum, Is playing games on play station allowed? I am talking about games which 1. Does not have any violence 2. Music will be muted 3. Will not disturb the time of Salaah Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, Bismillahi Wa Billahi At […]
السلام عليكم Is face painting for kids permissible, for example at kids fun days or sports days? Is it permissible for a female to do kids face painting? جزاك الله خيرا Wa Alaikum Assalaam, The majority of Scholars have stated that face-painting for kids is […]
I would like to find out if the name sofia/saufia is a good islamic name? I found it on a muslim baby name website but i would like to make sure. Assalaamu Alaikum, The word Sofia or Sufiya is spelt in Arabic with the letter […]
Assalaamu Alaikum, I’m have a bit of difficulty name my son, and my husband left the main name decision up to me. Is there any specific way I go about this? Also, should I trust the internet for the authenticity of the names while doing […]
Assalaamu Alaikum, My son is 12 years old and is a practicing Muslim. He is also an accomplished martial artist and one of the country’s best junior athletes. He has won the Point Kickboxing Association of Trinidad and Tobago Athlete of the year for 3 consecutive […]
Is it haraam to breastfeed a child over the age of 24 months? Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah, According to the majority of Scholars, the maximum period of breast feeding is 24 months, and it will be haram to breastfeed for more than this period. However, the […]
I would like to inquire about a situation relating to naming a baby. It is simply to find out if using a hyphenated last name with the father’s last name, followed by the mother’s last name, is haram. The father and mother were married but […]