Question: My questions are regarding our usage and practices on our beaches. Are there any awrah for children between the ages from birth to 8 years old? Lots of parents are careless in changing the clothes of their children in beaches etc, in the presence […]
Q. Can you use Saifullah as a boy name? A. Yes it is permissible to do so. And Allah knows best. Darul Ifta
Question: What is the situation with “facebook”? Is it okay to use it or not? Answer: Facebook can be used as a means of communication. As such, if it is used for the purpose of lawful interaction and communication then it will be allowed. However, […]
Question: assalaamualaikum, I would like to find out about adoption in islaam. what are the rights of the adopted child with respect to: * her wearing hijab in front of the ‘father’ * her rights to inheritance etc. * can the real dad take her […]
Question Recently, we were having a discussion about male circumcision in Islam. This was among me and some non Muslims. They came well researched and so I was caught off guard. They asked if Allah’s creation of the foreskin was a mistake, why we remove […]