Fasting of Gratitude

Question: Salams dear mufti. Today I was fasting to thank Allah for something I have asked for. I have promised to fast one day in order to thank him. Unfortunately my fast was broken due to the time of the month. Do I have to […]

Dua For Starting and Ending Fast

Q: assalam O alaikum…when keeping a nafil fast, what is the dua to recite when commencing and ending the fast? A: Wa alaikum As Salaam, While commencing the fast, one can say: ‘Nawaitu Sawma Ghadin Lillahi Ta’ala’ ‘I intend to fast for this coming day […]

Missed Fasts and Salaah

Q: Asalamualaikum,,i wanted to know that if a person has missed many years of prayers and ramadhan fasts and then died without offering a qadha for them in his lifetime,so after his death what can be done to compensate for those missed fardh prayers and […]