Q. Do the sahabah doing or practising Tableegh jamaah follow the correct path of Quran and Sunnah? Also explain the meaning of the hadith of Huzaifa (ra) about fitna. A. Yes, Tableegh Jamaat follows the correct path of Quran and Sunnah. The hadith of Huzaifa […]
Q. Many Masjids allows non scholars to give the Friday sermon and at times lectures on Islamic topics; by non scholars I clearly mean someone who is not trained or qualified in Islamic prudence etc. In my humble view and limited knowledge I believe that […]
Q. Did the imams of the 4 madhabs accept weak hadith for their fiqh with some conditions? A. Generally all scholars have accepted weak ahadith, even Imam Bukhari has accepted weak hadith and recorded them in his book ‘Al Adab Al Mufrad’. However, these traditions […]
Q. Why in Trinidad do we use the bull to sacrifice? Isn’t it sunnah to use a sheep? A. In Trinidad, Muslims use all the different animals to slaughter for Qurbani. Some use the bull, others use the goat and many use the sheep. People […]
Q. Is it true to say that Islam was spread by the sword? What was the purpose of fighting so many battles especially during the caliphate of Umar (radiallahu anhu)? A. No, it is not true to say that Islam was spread by the sword. […]
Q.What do the scholars and Muftis of the Islamic Shariah say regarding Hazrat Abu Talib? Few people call him kafir and they also claim that the kuffar of Abu Talib is proved from clear Quranic ayaat and sahih authentic ahadith. Anyone who considers Abu Talib […]
Q. My question is that after getting divorced once or twice (not thrice) and after the end of the iddat period, can the woman marry anyone other than her former husband who gave her 1 or 2 talaqs? Is it permissible? In other words, does […]
Q. What proof is there that a woman in haidh cannot touch the Quraan? A. A woman who is in the state of Haidh is in the state of impurity and one who is impure cannot touch the Holy Quran. In this regard verse 77-80 […]
Q. What is the authencity of this hadith: A person neglecting his salaat (even though he makes it up later) shall remain in Hell for a period of one Haqb. A Haqb is equal to eighty years of three hundred and sixty days each, and […]
Q. What does the sunnah say about a person who denies a hadith of the Prophet (saw)? For example you say to him that it is sunnah to do so and so, he in turn says there is no hadith that says this, but in […]