Question: Is it permissible to take an injection of hyaluronic acid, also called synvisc injection for severe arthritis pain in the knees. The hyaluronic acid comes from the Chicken Comb. Jaza -Kallah. Answer: Assalamu Alaikum, Yes, it is permissible to use the Synvisc injection for […]
Question: As Salaamu Alaikum Mufti, I have a question. As you may know, chicken are injected with steroids so that they can grow faster to meet the mass demand of the public. I was wondering, once certified halal, does this mean that the chicken do […]
Q. Can you please respond to this e-mail and give me your opinion on content. Assalamu Alaikum, I contacted the certifying body regarding their Halal certification process and they put me on to a brother. This is the plant which is certified by an Islamic organization […]
Q. I am a carpenter and would like to know if I can build a mandir and make a tomb for non Muslims. A. Since you are a carpenter and your profession is connected to building, it will be permissible for you to build a mandir […]
Q. Is it allowed to remove the hair from the middle of the eyebrow which cause the eyebrows to look as though it is joining? A. If it is only in the area of the middle of the eyebrow to prevent it from joining, then […]
Q. Is it permissible for muslims to wear silk or cotton? A. Muslim males are allowed to wear cotton and not silk, and females are allowed to wear both cotton and silk. And Allah knows best. Mufti Waseem Khan
Q. I have read in several books that it is very important to eat halaal food but I am a 23 year old female and my parents live in India and they put money in the bank with interest. I cannot work so what could […]
Q. I recently heard an instance where a man divorced his wife and married the divorced wife’s sister the very next day! Because both women are sisters would he not have to wait for his first wife’s iddat to be completed before he can marry […]
Q. Can ladies in their periods recite the daily duas and darood shareef as they recite in the other days of the month? For a few months, I have developed a habit to recite the small darood shareef more than one thousand times in the […]
Q. Is smoking haraam? A. The harmful effects and dangers of smoking is one which is agreed upon by all medical experts, as well as Islamic Scholars. With respect to some of its harmful effects, medical experts have stated that smoking cigarettes affects the smoker’s […]