Question: Chickens are normally placed in hot water for the easy removal of the feathers before removing it’s intestines. Would it then be permissible to partake of these, since there is a possibility of the chicken becoming unclean? Answer: If the chicken is left in […]
Question: Is it proper to partake of food at such a person’s home whose means of income is of Haraam sources? Is it proper to attend such weddings and receptions in which there is singing and dancing? Answer: If the entire income or most of […]
Question: Is it proper to partake of food at such a person’s home whose means of income is of Haraam sources? Is it proper to attend such weddings and receptions in which there is singing and dancing? Answer: If the entire income or most of […]
Question: I have recently been prescribed some medication that contains ‘pre-gelatinised maize starch’ and if possible I would really rather avoid such products in my diet. However, my GP prescribed me these tablets and I do feel the need to have started taking them already. […]
Question: Is Bio-Strath Tablets and Bio-Strath Elixirs halaal? Answer: The Bio-Strath Tablets are permissible, however, the Elixir contains alcohol. DUHC
Question: Is the flavour ice cream- cappuchino caramel truffle good to eat? thanks in advance. Answer: Yes this flavor is permissible. DUHC
Question: As salam wa alaikum. Can you give me the ruling on why is shrimp makruh & not halaal? since it is from the sea. Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, According to Imam Abu Hanifa, from among the marine animals that are fully aquatic, […]
Question: Assalamualikum I am trying to find out is Angostura LLB soft drink is halaal for consumption. Thank you Wasalaam Answer: Wa Alaikum as Salaam, We do not consider this to be halaal due to the presence of bitters which has alcohol. DUHC
Q. The making of noni (a fruit) starts with putting the fruit in a glass bottle in the sun for a period of 2 months or so. Would this be halal for drinking and would the juice now become wine or not? A. Based on […]
Questions: Can a person halaal chickens if they are in the state of janaabah? Answer: It is permissible for a person in the state of Janabah to slaughter chickens (and they will be halaal. And Allah knows best. Mufti Waseem Khan