Question: Asalamualaikum warehmatuLLAHI wabarakatuhu. I have a question and a quick reply would be appreciated as it of a deeply concerning nature. Here in our society there is a system of a middle man who tries to make matrimonial alliances among families. The middle man […]
Question: In Regards to the Fatwa Nikaah of Christian Male to Muslim Female Question: If a marriage is to be performed between a Muslim man and a Christian woman, is this permissible. And if so what criteria must be met. Advise accordingly Jazak’Allah. Answer: Salaams, […]
Question: Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh I want to know about the conditions for the marriage in Islam, to know if its allowed to marry in secret ( I mean, if just the bride and the groom and the witnesses knows about it) and […]
Question: Asalamalikum mufti sahib. Is engagement ceremony before nikha correct or not? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, Engagement ceremony before Nikah is not correct. And Allah Knows Best. Mufti Waseem Khan. 5/2/2014.
Question: if a husband were to get married to an second wife would it be appropriate for to ask his first wife before or he could go ahead and just get married and tell her after or if he has to ask for permission before […]
Question:salaamz Mufti saab i would like to know if there is anything such as a marriage in the sight of Allah? this means with there being no witnesses nor wali jus a guy and girl alone, guy asks girl to marry him and girl says […]
Quetion: Assalamu Alaikum. Is the cutting of a wedding cake at a walimah permissible? Answer: Wa alaikum As Salaam, The mere act of cutting a wedding cake at a walimah is permissible. However, the custom of cutting wedding cakes at wedding ceremonies is a non […]
Q: Assalaamu Alaikum, I was very surprised to hear recently that a marriage between an African muslim and and Indian muslim is not recommended because: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be with him)said that we should marry from our own tribe. Is this […]
Q: Is it permissible for a husband to enjoy his wife via anal intercourse, and is oral sex permissible. A: Assalamu alaikum, Anal intercourse is totally Haraam (unlawful) in Islam and it is a grave sin. Such an act brings about a severe punishment from […]
Question: If a marriage is to be performed between a Muslim man and a Christian woman, is this permissible. And if so what criteria must be met. Advise accordingly Jazak’Allah. Answer: Salaams, This will be permissible if the woman is a believer in One God […]