Question: Asalaam alaikam mufti saheb I want to ask concerning income and dogs as soon there will be a guard dog looking after my house so i just need a few things masaail on these matters 1) in Bukhari it says the price of a […]
Question: Asalam Alaikum. My wife had a baby but due to complications she needed emergency c-section. The doctors’ advice to her was that it would be harmful for her to have a baby within a year. Well she recently got pregnant and but it has […]
Question: Assalaam u alaikum Can you share some light on the vehicles allowances offered to traveling officers. Is it halaal? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, Yes, it is Halaal. And Allah Knows Best. Mufti Waseem Khan. 18/2/2014
Assalamu Alaykum 1. Is it permissible to send seasonal greeting cards to non-Muslims at the time of Christmas so long as there are no religious symbols on them and without the intention of celebrating or supporting Christmas? 2. Can the following from al-ashbaah be used […]
Question: Assalamu Alaykum I am doing some research & would like to know the following: 1. In the last 10 days of Ramadhan, did every Sahabi sit in I’tikaaf either with the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam or in any other Masjid? 2. If not, were […]
Question: asalaam alaikam respected mufti saheb in Islam keeping a dog as a pet is haraam as we know it says in hadith one or two qiraat is deducted from the reward does this literally mean your good deeds get taken or the reward decreases […]
Question: As Salaamu Alaikum Mufti, I have a question. As you may know, chicken are injected with steroids so that they can grow faster to meet the mass demand of the public. I was wondering, once certified halal, does this mean that the chicken do […]
Q: As salaamu Alaikum Can you keep a black cat as a pet? Is that ok or should you avoid it? A pure black cat. I await your soonest response In shaa Allaah. I must know a.s.a.p Jazaak Allaah khair. A: Wa alaikum As Salaam, […]
Q: Salamu alaikum, ya shaikh, i have a question. You know there are network hackers. I will talk of of own country. Here some hackers provide some proxy network settings. You just have to set that settings in your mobile phone or in your pc, […]
Q: Assalaamu Alaikum, I would like to gain some guidance with regards to taking medication which contain alcohol. As such I am hoping that this can be published on the fatwa section of the website as there are many conflicting views on taking medication which […]