Q. What is the punishment for a man who intentionally exposes his awrah, i.e. his thigh and since this act greatly affects others to whom he does not listen and he is not at all embarrassed, then what should they do? A. Exposing the aurah […]
Q. Why in Saudi Arabia, there is only one salaat and not four salaat for each imam’s muqqalid? Are they wahabi in Saudi? Are their ulama followers of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab? Why don’t they do taqleed? Are they right? If wrong why? And what […]
Q. Did Quran and Sunnah say don’t eat shrimp, shark and crab or did Hanafi? A. The Quran has nothing about eating shrimp, shark and crab. The Sunnah also has nothing about eating shrimp, shark and crab. Instead, there is a tradition in which the […]
Q. Why do people follow different Mazhab like Hanafi etc? What type of Muslims don’t follow Mazhab? They just follow Quran and Sunnah. A. In the same way people follow scholars of today to find out, and practice the true teachings of Islam, people follow […]
Q. It seems from your response to the email (KFC) that DUTT has the only correct view, what about the international scholars who are not of your opinion? Does DUTT/tabligh have the only correct view? That is very narrow minded. I understand about your research […]
Q. I recently had a baby and I have some questions concerning the tabeej and something called ‘hing’. I do not think it is wise to have those things since Allah is the best of protectors and just as I could remember to put the hing […]
Q. What is the Islamic View on Tattoos? (from Qur’an and Sunnah) A. Tattoos are totally haram in Islam. It is recorded in a hadith that the Prophet (SA) ‘cursed those who tattooed, and those who got themselves tattooed’. (Bukhari, Muslim). And Allah knows best. Mufti […]
Q. Can you please respond to this e-mail and give me your opinion on content. Assalamu Alaikum, I contacted the certifying body regarding their Halal certification process and they put me on to a brother. This is the plant which is certified by an Islamic organization […]
Q. I am a carpenter and would like to know if I can build a mandir and make a tomb for non Muslims. A. Since you are a carpenter and your profession is connected to building, it will be permissible for you to build a mandir […]
Q. What is the mas-alah regarding celebrating birthday and why are we not allowed to celabrate it? A. The customary celebration of birthdays is a non Islamic tradition that came from the non Muslims. The Prophet (SA) has warned the Muslims repeatedly, that they should […]