What does evening here refer to?

Question: assalamoalaikum wa rehmatullahi wa barakaatuhu.. hadhrat I read in a book. I think the reference is Tirmizi Shareef that one who recites Subhanallah 100 times in the morning and evening he gets reward of 100 hajj, and other rewards of Alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar and […]

Getting affected by jinns

Question: If someone is getting affected by jinns in any way…whether it’s dreams or in the literal life is it permissible to go to persons for healing and curing of this. I know of people who give affected persons “liquids” to throw around the household […]

Donations to churches and children homes.

Q. Non-Muslim churches and children homes, etc. sometimes approach Muslim businesses for charity. Would it be permissible to give financial help to them, or would it be considered as condoning their shirk? Would it be allowed if we give foodstuff/clothing/furniture? A. Donations to children’s homes are allowed […]