QUESTION: As Salamu Alaikum, I am married to a non-Muslim who converted for love in order to get married. He supports my faith. He fasts with me, doesn’t drink alcohol, eat halal und is considerate about my praying times. We agreed upon raising our children […]
As salaamu Alaikum, QUESTION: Recently a question was asked to me, would one sacrifice be sufficient for a household even though each member of the household has the nisaab. They came across a hadith, that some here in Trinidad also follow, where it speaks of […]
THE SIGNIFICANCE OF UDHIYAH – QURBANI – THE SACRIFICE Udhiya, commonly known and referred to as Qurbani, is a very great act of Ibadah (worship), and is very beloved to Allah. Originating from the great sacrifice which Ibraheem (A.S), the friend of Allah offered at […]