Zakaat on Money owed.

Question: What is the Shariat’s ruling regarding a person who is indebted, the debts are to be paid annually at a fixed amount. Would the total indebted amount be taken into consideration thereby preventing him from paying Zakaat or would the annually fixed amount be […]

Different Sects of Muslims.

Questions: What are the different sects of muslims and how do they differ? What are the different schools of thought in Islam? I understand that there are different teachings and I am a little confused with the difference of sects and school of thought. Which […]

Dua in English in Salaat

Question: Is it permissible to make Dua in English in any part of my Salaat? Answer: It is not permissible to recite Dua in any other language besides the Arabic Language in one’s Salaat. Furthermore, Duas which are to be recited in one’s Salaat should […]