Question: I would like to know what would you advise when it comes to reciting behind the imam for the silent prayers and when praying alone, should you recite all the takbeers in between each position? Answer: As long as you are performing Salaah behind the Imaam, […]
Question: As salaamu alaikum, Respected Mufti Waseem I have a question with regards to health insurance. My husband has a policy from an insurance company for which his company pays half and the other half comes out of his salary every month, he also wants […]
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum, I recently attended a Hajj workshop where we were informed that women when praying in Makkah in the Haram should not find herself praying next to another man, be it her husband or a stranger, because she would invalidate his Salaat by […]
Question: As salam alaikum My dear brother, Can you please advise whether it is mandatory for Muslim men to always sit whilst passing urine in a toilet. I work in an office environment and try to use lots of water during the day and sometimes […]
Question: Can a man hide a second wife or lie about having one? Answer: As Salaamu Alaikum, Marriage is not a secret act, but it is one which the Prophet (SAS) has emphasized to be announced. Hence, a man should not hide a second wife […]
Question: Is it permissible for a person to hold and read Qur’an off of an Ipod, Kindle, Ipad, etc. without wudhu? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, Yes, he can do this without wudhu. And Allah knows best, Mufti Waseem Khan.
Question: A muslim person who is not married and had relation with a person. What can they do for that sin to be forgiven? Is there a dua for them to say? Answer: As Salaamu Alaikum, If an unmarried Muslim person had relations with another […]
Question: Assalaamualaikum, I’d like to know to what degree can a husband lie to his wife? Can he lie about anything as long as it avoids an argument or are there only specific things that he can lie about? Jazakallah. Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, […]
Question: Asalaamu Alaykum, Is it permissible to do business during the time of Jummah? if the company is owned by a Muslim. Answer: As Salaamu Alaikum, It is not permissible for a Muslim, upon whom Jumuah has become compulsory, to do business at the time […]
Question: Why is it said that the numerals 786 represent the phrase, بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ ? Answer: As Salaamu Alaikum, Each of the Arabic letters has a value attached to it, and when all the letters of the Bismillah are added, the value comes […]