Question: Assalaam-u-alay-kum. I will like you all to explain in some detail on the toipc of polygamy. Jazakallah in advance. Answer: While instituting the laws of Marriage in Islam, Allah has granted an allowance to a man to have more than one wife at a […]

Getting affected by jinns

Question: If someone is getting affected by jinns in any way…whether it’s dreams or in the literal life is it permissible to go to persons for healing and curing of this. I know of people who give affected persons “liquids” to throw around the household […]

The ruling on Parda and Hijab

Queation: Asalaamu’alaykum waRahmatullahi waBarakaatuhu,  I need to know the ruling on Parda. My friend who wears parda and attended the Darul Uloom where her daughters still attend has confirmed this is Fard. I don’t wear parda I wear a hijab. However she’s indicating to me […]

Tabligh Jamaat

Q. Concerning a lot of discussions on Dawat e Tabligh or Tableegh Jamaat, a lot of scholars and others such as Dr. Zakir Naik and other ulema criticizing and saying it is bidah to participate in Dawat e Tableegh, where are these people getting these […]

Sufism in Islam

Q. What are your views and position regarding sufism? A. Sufism is an anglicized form of the word ‘Tasawuf’ as used in the Arabic language. The concept of Tasawuf as explained by our great and reliable scholars is that one tries to reform himself to […]