Q. I converted to islam and I took the kalimah shahadah with my imam but I was menstruating. Do I have to take it over? I read where it is said that I don’t have to take it over. If it is still accepted, can […]
Question: asalaamu alaikum, just wanted to find out if it would be of any benefit if I do Qurbani on behalf of my 4 mth old son? I would also be doing an animal for myself! Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, Yes, there will be […]
Question: As Salaam Mu Alaikum, I hope this email reaches you in the best of health. I would like to prepare a Will before I die and would like to know how my estate should be shared according to Shariah law. Only money is being […]
Question: Can you kindly advice me the authencity of putting Ayatul Kursi at your door openings and window openings for protection, if this is wrong kindly advice me as even though I am not doing this now I have done it previously and do know […]
Q. Does practicing sufism / tasawuf make one a deviant? Was this something done at the time of the Rasool (saw)? If so can you please provide me with proof to show. Many scholars are condemned and warned against this because of their belief in […]
Question: Assalamualaikum Ear piercing and Nose piercing have been particularly widespread among women in India for wearing jewellery. Even Muslim women pierce in India. As a Muslim can I pierce Ear’s & Nose (Or only Ear’s) for my daughter? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, With […]
Q. I was just wondering about the permissibility of a muslim sister having a male doctor and what if her husband goes with her to all visits? A. Seeing that there are many female doctors, it will not be permissible for a Muslim sister to […]
Question: Assalamu Alaikum if someone is possesed by a jinn be it of natural causes or someone intentionally does it to cause fitnah is it haraam to seek help from muslims who see about these types of situations. Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, No, it […]
Q. Kindly inform me about ‘Farasah’. What is ‘Farasah’? How is it acquired? Is it a natural gift from Allah subhanahu taala from birth or acquired later by certain acts? Kindly quote the salient examples illustrating it from the sirat of Rasullah s.a.s. and the […]