Questions: Can a person halaal chickens if they are in the state of janaabah? Answer: It is permissible for a person in the state of Janabah to slaughter chickens (and they will be halaal. And Allah knows best. Mufti Waseem Khan
Question: What’s the maslah concerning if for example my neighbour’s fruit tree has a branch with fruits on it hanging over on my side of the fence, are those fruits hanging on my side liable for me to pick without the neighbour’s permission or do […]
Question: Can a muslim plait his hair? If yes for how long can they keep it? Answer: It is an established principle in the shariah that men must not imitate women and women must not imitate men. This is based on the authentic tradition of […]
Q. In the law of inheritance what are daughters entitled to and is this affected if they are married? A. In the law of inheritance, a daughter’s share is not affected on account of her marriage. The daughter’s share in inheritance falls into any of […]
Comments: my question is that my parents had been demise and my mother left one house. we collect the rent of the house and did not divide it among one brother and six sisters. All are married. My question is that with contribution can we […]
Question: I also have a question. I remember being told in school about the two types of hypocrisy, the real one which is mentioned in the Qur’an and the one that is just a person having some qualities of a hypocrite in him. And I […]
Question: Assalaam mu Alaikum If one is not performing Hajj, but will do the qurbaani, it is not like to cut nails , trim hair or shave etc .When is a person allowed to do this. Is it on the day of Eidul Adhaa before […]
Question: Assalaamu alaikum With regards to women travelling, I am well aware that her Mahram must accompany her if her visit exceeds 24hrs or 3 days according to various ahadith. My question however, if a girl marries a man who lives abroad and migrates with […]
Question: As Salaam Mu Alaikum, I hope this email reaches you in the best of health. I would like to prepare a Will before I die and would like to know how my estate should be shared according to Shariah law. Only money is being […]
Questions: 1. what are requisites for a muslim to be a witness en the case of a marrige ? must he be some one that has a lot of knowledge of islam for example ? 2.dose a muslim need witnesses at the time of giving […]