Wearing gold and silver rings

Question: assalamoalaikum wa rehmatullahi wa barakaatahu, mufti saheb, I read that only gold and silver rings are permissible to wear, but someone said that there is no proof in hadith for it, plz mufti saheb give evidence for it:. JazakAllahu khairan Answer: Wa Alaikum As […]


Question: What if a Mahr was discussed before but wasn’t given yet, can the Nikkah be done still? And if the Nikkah was done without a Mahr given, would it be invalid and how long can we go married without a Mahr. I heard if […]

Coated Almond nuts

Question: Salaams, there’s an almond nut coated with cinnamon and a butter, sugar coating(currently sold at Pricesmart) I would like to know if this is Halaal or not? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, From the description given this sounds like a product which is halaal. […]

Sharing of meat in Qurbani

Question: asalaamu aliakum, i just wanted to know what is the correct procedure in sharing the meat and to whom it should be given to? Jazakallah Answer: Wa Alaikumus Salaam In sharing the meat for Qurbani, it is commendable to give one third to the […]

Women in menses during Hajj

Question: Assalaamu alaikum During my previous Hajj I saw some people confused about Menses in Hajj. Is it permissible for a Woman in Menses to assume Ihram? In this situation going to perform Umrah would she have to go to Taneem to re-assume Ihram? I […]