Question: assalamoalaikum wa rehmatullahi wa barakaatahu, mufti saheb, I read that only gold and silver rings are permissible to wear, but someone said that there is no proof in hadith for it, plz mufti saheb give evidence for it:. JazakAllahu khairan Answer: Wa Alaikum As […]
Question: Assalamualaikum In our country(India) Hunting of wild animals are prohibited (Rabbit and Deer also included). Fine and punishment will be imposed on those doing Hunting. In my Native village i find a lot of rabbits and deer’s, if i hunt and slaughter animals(rabbits and […]
Question: What if a Mahr was discussed before but wasn’t given yet, can the Nikkah be done still? And if the Nikkah was done without a Mahr given, would it be invalid and how long can we go married without a Mahr. I heard if […]
Question: A person was performing sunnah itikaf during the last 10 days of Ramadan. He broke his itikaf after 8 days due to illness. • Does he have to make qada for the Itikaf? • If so, for how many days, 2 days or 10 […]
Question: Salaams, there’s an almond nut coated with cinnamon and a butter, sugar coating(currently sold at Pricesmart) I would like to know if this is Halaal or not? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, From the description given this sounds like a product which is halaal. […]
Question: Salaams…… Is any Arcor product such as fruit snacks, gummy bears, etc halaal? Answer: Wa Alaikum AS Salaam, The Arcor products without gelatin are halaal, however the gummy bears etc. are not halaal. DUHC
Question: I came across an article on the internet concerning 2nd wives and wanted to know more since it’s not that common in Trinidad. Can you tell me what’s the punishment if a man has two wives and neglects the 2nd wife and does not […]
Question: asalaamu aliakum, i just wanted to know what is the correct procedure in sharing the meat and to whom it should be given to? Jazakallah Answer: Wa Alaikumus Salaam In sharing the meat for Qurbani, it is commendable to give one third to the […]
Question: If someone has to travel to another country during the month of Ramadan and he chooses to miss the Eid salaah in the condition of traveler because there is no muslims in his city but he has the opportunity to change his ticket in […]
Question: Assalaamu alaikum During my previous Hajj I saw some people confused about Menses in Hajj. Is it permissible for a Woman in Menses to assume Ihram? In this situation going to perform Umrah would she have to go to Taneem to re-assume Ihram? I […]