Question: assalaamualaikum, I would like to find out about adoption in islaam. what are the rights of the adopted child with respect to: * her wearing hijab in front of the ‘father’ * her rights to inheritance etc. * can the real dad take her […]
Question: I would like to find out why is it that taking belly-dancing classes would be considered haraam. Taking into consideration that (1) the students in the class as well as the teacher are strictly women, (2) that the learning of the belly-dancing is not […]
Question: Assalamu Alikum, Hopefully this message reaches the reader to be in the best of health and emaan. I am writing in concern with this organization’s request for payment on certification of halal meats in different eating outlets. Recently, expression of disapproval on this matter […]
Question: Is it permissible for muslim women to pierce their eyebrow,nose,navel,ears etc? Answer: Assalaamu Alaikum The only allowance the scholars have given is to pierce the ear one time. With respect to the nose, some scholars have allowed its piercing, and others have not. It […]
Question: Can I marry two sisters? I am married to one but I love the other as well. She also loves me. I can provide for them but the question is if I can marry the younger sister while married to the older one, islamically […]
Q. When we are geting married, does the witness have to be men only or can it be ladies also? A. For the marriage of Muslims, there must be two male witnesses or one male and two females. All witnesses must be from among those […]
Q. Is it the responsibility of the wife to cook, wash utensils, etc? And if not, will it come under the right of the husband over wife that she must be obedient to him? In other words, can he order her to do it and […]
Q. Between a husband and wife relationship, if a wife is the bread winner or must bring in an income in order to survive (because the husband’s income is not sufficient) is that okay in islam? If the husband admits after nikah that he is […]
Q. I recently found out that when you denounce the faith your marriage is automatically broken but while I had no knowledge about it I did apostate the religion but I am a muslim now and both me and my husband did not know that […]
Q. I have an important question concerning marital discord and disputes with the possibility of it ending in divorce. In what order does Islam guide us to settle a marital discord and disputes that perhaps lead to divorce? Is there a step wise method of […]