Q. Kindly confirm the iddat period of khula divorce, is it 1 month or 3 months? Also, does the husband have to provide maintaince for that period? A. The Iddah period of khula is the same as a divorce, that is 3 menses. The husband […]
Q. I travel a lot and I was wondering what are the rules for traveing in regards to salaah and everything. Actually I go to that same place every year, sometimes 2 times for the year and I was wondering what are the rules when […]
Q. Is there anything that can annul a marriage in Islam? A. Yes, words said by the husband to the wife can annul the marriage. A wife can also seek an annulment of the marriage for valid reasons. Similarly a wife can return the Mahr […]
Question: Dear Mufti Waseem. Assalam O Alaikum. I do hope you are well and recovering fully from your illness. May Allah help you. I used to attend classes at your institution some years ago. so I still get mails from you. I read with interest […]
Question: Mufti Waseem: I have read in your article “Singing Ya Nabi Salam Alaika” Dated 6th June 2011 where you stated: “As for Salaams, (greetings) they already knew about it since they were taught to send Salaams (greetings) in their Tashahud. Hence, every time a […]
Question: The wudhu khana in the masjid where I am has had a thermoplastic undercoat paint applied to the floor and wall. Since paint and paint brushes can contain pig material, and it is unlikely that the builders would have been cognisant of this issue […]
Question: Should children be running and playing in front of you in the masjid while one is performing salaah and also squirming their way to pass through the lines? Answer: Assalaamu Alaikum, No, it is not permissible for children to behave in this manner in […]
Question: As Salaamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Mufti Waseem: In our Jamaat we have decided to import a Hafiz to complete the Recitation if Al Quran during Taraweeh. I have noticed that he makes some dua’ where he says “Ya Rasoolalah! Ya Rasoolalah!” Also a ‘self […]
Question: Hadrat Maulana. Do you have policy statements about two situations in which: a) Hilal is NOT SEEN in a clear sky despite completing thirty days from the previous sighting. b) Hilal is seen on the 28th evening. The a) condition occurs because of false […]
Assalamualikum, Below is an email that was sent to me by a non-muslim friend of mine. She wanted some clarification on this matter. Jazakallah. Subject: What’s an Infidel? I hope you will read this and then pass it on. WHAT’S AN INFIDEL? This is a […]