Annulment of a Marriage

Q. Is there anything that can annul a marriage in Islam? A. Yes, words said by the husband to the wife can annul the marriage. A wife can also seek an annulment of the marriage for valid reasons. Similarly a wife can return the Mahr […]

Salaams in Tashahud in Salaah

Question: Mufti Waseem: I have read in your article “Singing Ya Nabi Salam Alaika” Dated 6th June 2011 where you stated: “As for Salaams, (greetings) they already knew about it since they were taught to send Salaams (greetings) in their Tashahud. Hence, every time a […]

Question on moon sighting

Question: Hadrat Maulana. Do you have policy statements about two situations in which: a) Hilal is NOT SEEN in a clear sky despite completing thirty days from the previous sighting. b) Hilal is seen on the 28th evening. The a) condition occurs because of false […]

The Holy Quran and Infidels

Assalamualikum, Below is an email that was sent to me by a non-muslim friend of mine. She wanted some clarification on this matter. Jazakallah. Subject: What’s an Infidel? I hope you will read this and then pass it on. WHAT’S AN INFIDEL? This is a […]