Question I would like to know when a woman does not have a normal period and it comes for months, what does she have to do because she cannot pray? Answer In this case she will count ten days as menses, starting from the day […]
Question Can you give me the proof from the Quran and Sunnah that Friday is the best day to visit the graveyard? Answer With respect to visiting the grave on a Friday, the Fuqaha (jurists) have written, ‘The virtuous time for visiting the graveyard […]
Question How is it that you all do not debate with these people who go against you all, and you leave them alone. Â Answer First of all, I must make it clear to you that we do not debate with anyone. Secondly, we do not […]
Question: What is the difference between Mutawatir and Ahad Hadith? Some said – Mutawatir hadiths conform to Aqeedah but Ahad does not. Correct or wrong? Do the Imams have Ikhtilaf in that? Answer  Depending on the number of the reporters of the hadith in each […]
Question Some of the Imams here said that Imam E Azam Abu Hanifah has Irja in Aqeedah. What is that and is it correct or they label him as Murjiah? Answer The word Murjia comes from Irjaa which has two meanings: 1) To delay, postpone, […]
Question I am interested in Tasawwuf. From what I understand, it is a branch of Islamic knowledge which focuses on the spiritual development of a Muslim. I have been on the ‘’ website but a friend of mine suggested I get information from your institution […]
Question The sunnah method of carrying a janazah is mentioned as follows: First carry the left front of the Janazah on the right shoulder (this will be the deceased right shoulder) and walk ten steps. Then carry the left rear on the right shoulder for […]
Question Is it makrooh to pray Isha after midnight? Answer According to Hanafi Jurist, to delay Isha until one third of the night is mustahab (desirable). Up to half of the night is permissible, and to perform it after that is disliked (Makrooh). And Allah […]
Question Concerning the viewing of the mayyit by anyone who wishes, is it haram? Did mahram and ghair mahram see the prophet when he died? Can we say since this happened it is permissible? Answer The laws regarding not looking at a ghair Mahram is […]
Question When someone speaks about eyes in your home as being not permissible, is it really the eyes or the actual image. Answer The prohibition which has been mentioned in the Ahadith is about ‘Tasweer’ – which means a picture or an image of an […]