Practicing Yoga

Question  What is the Islamic stance on Yoga especially if somebody were to practice it? Answer Since Yoga is connected to non Islamic religious teachings and practices, a Muslim should not get involved in it. And Allah knows best. Mufti Waseem Khan

Inheritance for adopted children

Question  Are there any rules in inheritance concerning adopted children? Answer  Adopted children are not blood related to those who have adopted them. Hence, they cannot be considered as one’s own children. It is for this reason, they will not inherit from those who adopted […]

Watching movies at home

Question Can we watch a movie at home where there is no danger of fitnah or bad environment? Answer  Besides the fact that you must stay away from ‘fitnahs’ and ‘bad environment’, it is also essential to know that as a Muslim, you are required […]

Doubts about getting married

Question  I have a matter concerning another Muslim brother and we are really in need of help and information and guidance from you. My Muslim brother is getting married and upon doing istikhara on several occasions he is still having doubts of his decision and […]

Women attending Jummah Salaah

Question: What is the aadaab and etiquette of women attending jummah salah as well as speaking during the khutbah. Also, if women make remarks during the khutbah, loud enough for men to hear during the khutbah, what is the best method and manner to correct […]

Male circumcision in Islam

Question  Recently, we were having a discussion about male circumcision in Islam. This was among me and some non Muslims. They came well researched and so I was caught off guard. They asked if Allah’s creation of the foreskin was a mistake, why we remove […]

Knowledge of the unseen

Question  An Article on a site speaks about ‘knowledge of the unseen’ for the Prophet (SAS). Can you refer to the site and explain the position of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah on this issue? Answer  The unanimous position of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah […]

Wearing of rings for males

Question  I have seen a lot of Muslims promoting the wearing of tungsten silver rings. Is this halal for us to wear and are we supposed to wear pure silver? I would like to know because I don’t want anyone to buy me something that […]