QUESTION: Assalaam Walaikum, If i entered on the imaam during his 2nd rakaah in Maghrib and i joined him. Would i need to repeat my Salaah afyer completeing it with the Imaam? ANSWER: Wa Alaikum As Salam No, you do not have to repeat your […]
QUESTION: As salamu alaykum i am a pure ignorant, and i want to have a detail answer about the one who abandon the salah is it kaafir or not, what is the opinion of islam (the four school) with some proof used by these school. […]
What kind of dhikr and azkaar should one perfom when moving into a new house?How should one celebrate move into a new house? What should be recited so that the place my be blessed? As Salaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah, Moving into a new house is […]
Assalamu Alaikum Mufti. What is the ruling on copyright in Islam? If there’s a copyright image of Islamic reminders as well as Eid images..can I use the photo from the internet and edit it with addition/ subtraction to the design and have it printed for […]
Asslaamu alaikum, My Hindu cousin is getting married this weekend and my aunt insists that I come to the wedding. I know it is a Hindu wedding and it is totally haram to accept such invitation. I was advised that for the sake of keeping […]
As Salaamu Alaikum Respected Mufti Following your workshop on Sunday, I would like to clarify with respect to the stay at Muzdalifa, on the morning if I left before praying Fajr and did not do wuqoof , will I have to pay a dumm, if […]
Assalaamu Alaikum, can you explain in detail zaakatul fitr and saadaqatul fitr. The difference, who can receive it, should it be food or money and if money how can there be a set rate. I am a little confused i have never heard anyone explain […]
If someone has a business renting equipment’s like compactors and jackhammers etc. and the all those tools worth $60,000.00. That person was in a debt and also had to sell a piece of land to repay it and the debt was repaid. The land was […]
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum Can you enlightened me of the eid salah should be open air or in a mosque. Thank you Answer: Wa Alaikumus Salam It is Sunnah to perform the Eid Salaah in ‘open-air’ rather than in a mosque. It is narrated in authentic […]
Question: Assalaamu Alikum Mufti Waseem I just wanted to find out something with regards to Zakat. If you lend some one money and they have not paid you back up till you still have to include it in the Nisaab when you are calculating […]