Can a woman’s cousin be her Wakil?

Salaams, Can ones mother brother’s son be a girl’s wakil for her wedding? Wa Alaikum Assalaam, Although it is permissible for him (one’s mother brother’s son – cousin) to be a Wakil (agent on behalf of the girl) for her wedding, it is best that […]

Is this type of trading permissible?

Assalamu Alaikum, My mom does sales for a living, purchasing of wholesale goods to resell retail. Once a month she receive goods on credit. She will receive the goods without paying upfront and then she will resell at her retail prices then payback the wholesale company […]

Taraweeh Salaah for women

Assalam O Alaikum , I  would like to know the significance of Taraweeh during the blessed month of Ramadan. Is there a difference between the way Taraweeh is offered by men and women? Could you please elaborate on how a woman should  perform Taraweeh prayer  […]

Should I fast or Not?

I had an ectopic pregnancy surgery done month now. I am really improving allhamdulilah but I still get pain sometimes because the Dr said it can take up to 3 months for the the inside to heal a little sometimes I feel really weak […]

Is face painting for kids permissible?

السلام  عليكم Is face painting for kids permissible, for example at kids fun days or sports days? Is it permissible for a female to do kids face painting? جزاك الله خيرا Wa Alaikum Assalaam, The majority of Scholars have stated that face-painting for kids is […]