Q. Why is the animals face covered during the sacrifice of Qurbani? Can you please explain why this was a custom in T & T some time ago? A. It’s the first time I have heard about this custom. This is not one which is […]
Q. If someone, a Muslim, who does not practise Islam. i.e. pray, fast etc., takes a Qurbani share in an animal would that affect the other persons shares in the animal? A. No, it will not affect the other shares, as long as his intention remains […]
Q. Why in Trinidad do we use the bull to sacrifice? Isn’t it sunnah to use a sheep? A. In Trinidad, Muslims use all the different animals to slaughter for Qurbani. Some use the bull, others use the goat and many use the sheep. People […]
Q. What is the ruling on the cutting/trimming of the hair and nails during the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah? Is there a difference with the muslims who have proceeded on the Hajj as opposed to the muslims who have not in this regard? […]
Q. I have a question about the age of the animal used for qurbani. I was taught that the goat or sheep MUST be at least a year old, the bull 2 years and camel 5 years. However I go to a certain masjid in […]
Q. In recent times in Trinidad I’ve noticed the practice at EID UL ADHA times for some muslims to send their money to foreign countries (usually poor ones) to have their meats to be distributed there. I seek knowledge as to this practice if it […]
Q. Is it permissible for women to slaughter animals and if so what are the conditions? A. It is permissible for women to slaughter animals and the conditions for them are the same conditions that are for the males. That is, they should be fully […]
Q. I was told that there is a Dua to recite to calm the animal for Qurbani? If this is true, what is the Dua? A. We do not know of any specific dua for this purpose. However, in the book ‘Aamaale Quraani’ the following […]
Q. The Qurbani of a person in Trinidad is done in another country before that person prays his Salaat in his own country. Is his Qurbani valid? A. The Qurbani of this person in Trinidad will be valid even though the Qurbani in the other […]
Q. Is it true that we don’t have to pare our nails and cut our hair after seeing the moon till the qurbani is completed? A. Yes, when the Moon (Crescent) is sighted to begin the month of Zul Hijjah, it is Mustahab (commendable) for […]