Question: Is it necessary to give the names of all the shareholders in an animal to the person slaughtering the animal? Answer: Assalaamu Alaikum, This may not be deemed as necessary, however, it is important for the shareholders to know in which animal are their […]
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum Could a female animal be used to sacrifice for Qurbani? Eg; a cow or female goat or sheep rather than a bull or a male goat or sheep. Please do respond as soon as possible JazaakAllaah Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, […]
Comments: my question is that my parents had been demise and my mother left one house. we collect the rent of the house and did not divide it among one brother and six sisters. All are married. My question is that with contribution can we […]
Question: Assalaam mu Alaikum If one is not performing Hajj, but will do the qurbaani, it is not like to cut nails , trim hair or shave etc .When is a person allowed to do this. Is it on the day of Eidul Adhaa before […]
Question: asalaamu aliakum, i just wanted to know what is the correct procedure in sharing the meat and to whom it should be given to? Jazakallah Answer: Wa Alaikumus Salaam In sharing the meat for Qurbani, it is commendable to give one third to the […]