Q. Can you please tell me if Taraweeh salaat is compulsory for women and if she has to pray the Taraweeh salaat at home if she does not go to the mosque on a particular night? A. Taraweeh Salaah is Sunnah Al Mu’akadah (an emphasized […]
Q. Can you pray nafl salaat then pray your Fajr salaat between the break of dawn and sunrise? A. Although it is permissible to perform nafl Salaah after the break of dawn and before the Fajr Salaah, this was not a practice of the Prophet […]
Q. In order to perform masah on socks one of the conditions is that water should not penetrate. When does this apply? Does it apply when you do masah or does it apply when you put your foot in a water bowl because when you […]
Q. Is it permissible to pray any Nafl salaat between Fajr time (break of dawn) and sunrise? A. No, it is not permissible to perform Nafl Salaah during this time. The Prophet (SAS) clearly instructed us by saying, ‘There is no Salaah after Fajr until […]
Q. Can salat be read anywhere, without a mat? For example on Saturday we visited a sick friend at a hospital and the group read salat in the waiting area, making sajda on the bare carpet where the public access. A. Once the area on […]
Q. If a man wears his trousers (pants) below his ankles, does this invalidate his prayers in the Hanafi Mazhab? Is it the same rule for the muqtadi who follows an imam who offers namaz with the pants below his ankles? A. Wearing one’s trousers […]
Q. Can one follow another person in Salaah, who is married to a Christian woman who was previously Muslim and changed her faith to Christianity? A. A Muslim (male or female) who changes his/her religion from Islam to Christianity is an apostate (Murtad) in Islam, […]
Q. Can we say prayers in a loud voice if we are teaching a new Muslim? A. Yes, it is permissible to read prayer in a loud voice if you are teaching a non Muslim. However, if you are performing such Salaah where you are […]
Q. Is a Salaat valid (if performed in its correct timing) had the Adhaan been called before its correct timing? A. Once the Salaah has been performed on its correct time (that is, when the permissible time for Salaah has entered) then the Salaah will […]
Q. If a dog touches your clothes, can you pray with it and also if wine falls on your clothes can you pray with it? A. Wine is considered to be ‘a grave impurity’ and hence, when it falls onto one’s clothes it must be […]