Q. My question in regard to the open air Eid salah in Trinidad, the Maulana did 7 times takbir and then Alhumdulilah and then a surah and then did rukuh and from the second rakat when he got up he did not say alhumdulilah but […]
Q. If a woman is in public and the time for salaah has come, could you explain to me how and where should she pray her salaah. eg in the beach or in public schools? In such a case will it be permissible for her […]
Question: If a woman has a baby, is it permissible for her to pray at the back of the line in a corner in the masjid and not in the lines with the other women for congregational salaah e.g. Taraweeh? Reason being the child may […]
QUESTION Assalamualykum..Hope this email finds you in good health..Recently whilst performing the salaah of asr i lost track of how many rakaats i had performed due to my own weakness..I cannot remember if i performed 3 or 4 rakaats..i performed sajda sawh..i want to know […]
Q. I would like some clarification on the tying of one’s hair during salaat. If I remember, there is a hadith that states that one should not bend / plait one’s hair during salaat. Is this applicable only to men? Why I am asking this, […]
Q. If a person reaches in the masjid for salaat when the imam gives his second salaam, is it from the sunnah as some people have done, especially when praying alone, to call the iqamaat and then perform the fard salaat aloud as though he […]
Q. I work for a Medical Center in the U.S. and the Medical Center is affiliated with the Catholic Church. There are some Muslim doctors who are employed here as well, these doctors hold their Jumuah salat in the hospital chapel with all the artifacts […]
Q. I have seen a mosque in New York pray witr differently to us. Please explain. A. With regards to the Witr Salaah, there are differences of opinion held by the great scholars in a few areas pertaining to its ruling, amount, manner of performance […]
Q. With reference to the following statement “Imam Abu Hanifa (RA) is of the opinion that Asr time begins when the shadow of an object becomes twice its length.” Can you direct me to the ahadith which supports this statement? A. The traditions that support […]
Q. I recently visited a masjid for the fajr salaah and I did not hear the words ‘As Salaatu Khairumm Minan Nawm’ in the fajr azan. When I enquired from someone at the masjid he said that this statement is not evident from the Prophet […]