QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaikum, In Wudhu, while washing my feet if my long sleeve comes down and rubs my hand and makes it dries, will my Wudhu be valid? That means if any of my washed part becomes dry due to any reason before my […]
This question is forwarded from a man in prison: ” A brother is leading ‘taraweeh’ and ‘witr’ but does not wash his feet for salaah but wipes over cotton socks. He is also reading from the book in order to lead the salaah. For the […]
A person accepted Islam but he isnt circumcised and he has not had it done for several years. He does admit it is sunnah and very rewarding and did consider getting it done but changed his mind because he read how painful it was for other men. He is convinced […]
Assalam u Alaikum Can wudhu be done in a bathroom/shower, as Ghusul is done in a bathroom? Also, if a woman does NOT need to perform Ghusul, but showers/bathe/ washes with water, all areas of the body excluding the head and hair, is wudhu still […]
Assalam Alaikum, I wanted to ask if someone goes to the washroom and urinated, if he wipes off with toilet paper, can he perform Salah without washing his private, in plain is it permissible to clean oneself with toilet paper after one urinates? Wa Alaikum […]
Message: Assalamu Alaikum Mufti, I am enquiring on the issue of performing wudhu with socks. Not leather socks but the normal dress socks we normally wear (cotton etc.). Can we read salaat behind such a person? Can we make massa on these types of socks? Jazak […]
Assalamu Alykum. 1. Can you tell us how the Sunnah of circumcision how did it come about. 2. What is the ruling in visiting churches donating items too churches. 3. How do we the less learned differentiate between different rulings of scholars of same madhabs […]
Assalamu Alaikum. What is the ruling concerning having dogs in and around the home? Jazakallah Khair. Wa Alaikum Assalaam, الجواب و بالله التوفيق It will be permissible to only have a watch dog/security dog for protecting the home/premises. The dog should be kept in a certain […]
Assalaamu alaikum my respected Mufti, Q:More and more Muslim women are wearing their hair in dread locks. I thought this was not permissble but have no proof why. Please explain why it is or is not permissible to wear one’s hair this way. If it […]
Question: Asalaamu Alaaikum, My husband is not circumcised and he wanted to get it done. Does Islamic law say anything about older men getting that done? Or can he just feed people? Thank you for your reply. Salams. Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, In Islam, both […]