Question: asalaamu alaikum mufti, Alhamdulillah ,Muslims all over the world are trying to spread Islam and may Allah bless them for their efforts . there is one effort in particular called world hijab day which tries to educate non Muslims about the hijab … groups […]
Question: Asalam Alaikum. My wife had a baby but due to complications she needed emergency c-section. The doctors’ advice to her was that it would be harmful for her to have a baby within a year. Well she recently got pregnant and but it has […]
Question: In Regards to the Fatwa Nikaah of Christian Male to Muslim Female Question: If a marriage is to be performed between a Muslim man and a Christian woman, is this permissible. And if so what criteria must be met. Advise accordingly Jazak’Allah. Answer: Salaams, […]
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum Mufti, I have a few questions that I hope Insha Allah you’ll be able to assist me with firstly, 1. Is there a hadeeth on missing 3 jumu’a that makes you a kaafir? I hear Muslims saying this all the time but […]
Question: Asalam Aalaikum. Would it be permissible for a woman to reveal her hair to her brother-in-law. Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, No, it is not permissible for the woman to do this. The brother in law is not a Mahram And Allah Knows Best. […]
Question: As Salaam mu alaikum. Can you state if a woman has to wear Hijab in front of her non Muslim father , non Muslim mother, and non Muslim step father . JazaakAllah Khair Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, No, it is not essential upon […]
Question: Assalaamu alaikum, This email is address to Mufti Waseem Khan. A muslim brother and sister was married. She decided to return to her mom. Upon she leaving his house, he gave her the first Talaq. After this they had sexual relationship. Then he went […]
Question: ASSALAMU ALAYKUM can you explain who qualifies as a mahram for women? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, A mahram for a woman is one with whom marriage is never permitted. These include: 1. One’s children, grand children, great grand children etc. 2. One’s parents, […]
Question: As Salaamu Alaikum Is it permissible for an owner of a business who is a woman, to do business during Jumuah? I read a previous response where you said that a Muslim upon whom Jumuah is compulsory cannot engage in business during Jumuah time. […]
Question: Charms on bracelets originated from superstitious beliefs now they are used mostly for fashion. Will it be permissible to wear such bracelets using inanimate pendants for the intention of fashion? Answer: Assalamu Alaikum, Although these may be presently used for fashion, yet, their origin […]