What is the nisaab of gold?

Q:Salaams, Is there a nisaab for gold in order to pay zakaat? Can you explain what is the correct way to go about weighing your gold jewellery? Jazakallah. Wa Alaikum Assalaam, A: Yes, there is a nisaab for gold. With respect to the gold in […]

What is Nisaab?

Assalamu Alaikum, Q: I am a recent revert and I would like to pay both the Zakat & Sadaqatul fitr this year. I am hearing many variations of what I should pay & how much I am required to pay. I would appreciate if you can guide […]

How is Nisaab calculated?

Assalaam Alaikum, Q: Can you please explain how nisaab for a country is calculated? Wa Alaikum Assalaam, A: It is based on the price of one ounce of silver. The Nisaab for silver is 19.7 ounces. Hence, you should find out the price of one […]