Q. I have a question concerning the payment of Zakaat. If you have a loan, does that affect the amount of Zakaat that you have to pay? And if it does how do you calculate it taking the loan into consideration. A. Yes, paying a loan […]
Q. I would like to find out how do you calculate how much do you have to pay for Zakaat? A. Zakaah is paid on one’s savings when a year has passed over it. As such, you must look to see the date when you became […]
Q. Who is eligible to receive Zakaat? A. Anyone from the eight categories of Muslims which has been mentioned in the Holy Quran can receive Zakaat. They are: 1) The poor 2) The needy 3) Those employed to collect Zakaah on behalf of the Islamic […]
Q. Can someone pay a debt from zakat or sadaqat money without letting the person know who paid for it, or do you have to give the money in the person’s hand, the reason because by giving the money in the person’s hand, he may […]
Q. After my father passed away I inherited a sum of money at a bank. Is it permissible to accept and use a sum of money which grew on interest? Should I pay Zakaat on it? A. It is permissible for you to accept and […]
Q. I am in a 50:50 business partnership with someone who is not a Muslim and does not agree to paying Zakaat. Can I pay Zakaat on the 50% of the stock and funds or should I pay on all? A. You are simply required […]
Q. My question concerns Zakaat. The company I work for has a pension plan of which both employee and employer contributes to the employee’s plan. Presently I do not have access to this money. Only when I retire or if I resign then I will […]
Q. Can a person pay his zakat al-fitr in the form of money? What are the conditions in the Hanafi madhhab? A. The allowance has been given by the Fuqaha, especially in the Hanafi Mazhab for one to pay his Zakaat Al Fitr in the […]
Q. Can Zakaat be given to family members apart from parents and children? Example aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. if they are needy? A. Yes, apart from parents and children, Zakaat can be given to other family members if they are needy. Grand parents and great […]
Question: asalamualaikum.. plz tell me Is zakat to be paid for gold absolutely bought and kept in locker for marriage of daughters? Answer: Salaams, Yes, Zakat must be paid on it when it reaches the nisab of gold (which is 87.5 grams of gold). And […]