Q. Is chocolate liquor and nutmeg halal for consumption? A. Yes, both chocolate liquor and nutmeg are halaal for consumption. Darul Uloom Halaal Committee
Q. I would like to know if we could eat mangrove crabs or land crabs, because while my parents were in Trinidad, someone said Maulana Sheraz of the Nur E Islam Masjid said it was haram and they said lobster is haram, so would that […]
Q. Is iguana Halaal? A. Iguana is a type of lizard, and according to Imam Abu Hanifa, it falls under the category of being a reptile and hence, not permissible. Other Scholars like Imam Malik, Imam Ahmad and Imam Shafi have considered a type of […]
Q. There is a new product on the market, a drink called FULL THROTTLE that is marketed by Coco Cola Company and one of its ingredients is Taurine. I have always been apprehensive about consuming any product which has Taurine because I understand that it […]
Q. I was listening to an Islamic lecture and I heard the Shaikh mentioned that according to Imaam Abu Hanifa, alcohol from grapes or dates extract is absolutely prohibited. However, drinks extracted from wheat, barley, sugar cane, etc. is permissible to the extent that they […]
Q. Can Muslims eat shark? A. According to the Mazhab of Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Malik, shark is considered to be a fish and is permissible to consume. Imam Shafi and Imam Ahmad have considered it to be foul and not permissible. And Allah […]
Q. The making of noni (a fruit) starts with putting the fruit in a glass bottle in the sun for a period of 2 months or so. Would this be halal for drinking and would the juice now become wine or not? A. Based on […]
Question: Assalamu alaikum, Is it permissible to eat cakes, sugar cakes and fudge made with any type of essence? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, Yes these are permissible due to the evaporation of alcohol. However, these will not be permissible with vanilla extract. DUHC
Question: Assalamu alaikum. Is African Sea Coconut cough syrup halaal? Answer: Assalamu Alaikum, African Sea Coconut is a herbal mixture which is free from alcohol and is permissible. DUHC
Question: Assalaamualaikum, Can you please inform me if iguana is permissible to eat? Answer: Assalamu Alaikum, The Hanafi position is that it is not allowed, based on the dislike of it of the Prophet SAS. However, the other imams have allowed it. It is not […]