Question: Assalaamu Alaikum, I would like to know how to pray Salaatul Istikarah? Please explain in detail. Also give the dua for it. Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, With respect to Salaatul Istikharah, it is important that one understands the concept of Istikharah and what […]
Question: In trying to seek additional knowledge in my deen I often look at lectures on Youtube from various Scholars. Please find hereunder a link from one of the lectures with regards to the recitation of Surah Yaseen to derive certain benefits. Can you kindly […]
Question: mc donalds halaal? Answer: Many items on the menu are halaal. Please look for a blue halaal logo next to the items which are halaal on the menu board. DUHC
Question: Salaams! How does one correct a mistake during fard Salaat with Jamaat? Eg. sitting in tashahood instead of rising in qiyam whilst in the first rakaat. Please verify. Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, If it is the Imaam who has made a mistake in […]
The Prophet (SAW) said: ‘The example of guidance and knowledge with which Allah has sent to me is like abundant rain falling on the earth’ (Bukhari). ‘There is no worse calamity for knowledge and its people than when outsiders intrude. They are ignorant, but presume […]
Is the Prophet (S.A.) Hazir and Nazir? The following is an article which was sent to the Darul Ifta (Darul Uloom Trinidad and Tobago) for a response. Here, we present to you an answer to this article, but before doing so, we will place the […]
Brothers and Sisters, the month of Rabiul Awwal brought with it memories of the Prophet Muhammad (SA). Muslims throughout the world would have increased their salutations on the blessed Prophet (SA). Many assemblies and functions would have been organised and kept to remember his marvellous […]
Recently an e-mail came to our attention which spoke about a Fatwa that was issued by the Darul Uloom. The sender of the e-mail did not really seek an answer or clarification on what was written on the Darul Uloom Fatwa, but seeing that the […]
PARADISE Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah (S.A) said, that Almighty Allah said: “I have prepared for my righteous servants which no eye has seen, no ear has heard and the heart of no man has conceived. And read if you like: “So […]
I was at a masjid in south Trinidad for the Jumah khutba, and the Imam mentioned that a fatawa was issued concerning Praying behind a person who sings Tazeem, and I had read this fatawa some time ago and was in total disagreement with the […]