Please respond to the contents of the following flyer circulated in our Jamaah. The Holy Prophet (Sallal Mahn alaibi wasallam) said: “In the period prior to the Day of Judgment false and deceitful groups will emerge. They will say things to you, which neither you […]
Respected Muslims, people are naturally intrigued with strange and superhuman happenings. Usually when something happens which seems beyond normal human capabilities and limits, they are classified as miracles. If someone is saved from a disaster that could have led to his death or destruction, it […]
The rights given to a mother in Islam are numerous and have been outlined in the Holy Quraan and blessed traditions of the Prophet (S.A.). The Holy Quraan mentions that the first duty of a man is to worship his Lord and the second is […]
Mufti Waseem khan and his staff! in the first time how do you do? in the second time it’s a question 1. what are the criteria which included the shiya narrators in sunna texts? 2. can provide you with a big detailed article and the […]
Question: salaams..i heard that all of haagen daz ice crem is halaal now..well except the ones like rum n raisin and this true? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, As far as we are aware the flavours other than Chocolate, Coffee, Strawberry and Raspberry sorbet […]
Question: Salaams! can english be given during the 1st or 2nd part of the Jumuah Khutbah? Or arabic only ? Please send me Masa’il with quotations. Jazak Allah Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, Both the 1st and 2nd khutbah should be given in Arabic only. […]
Question: Asalaam u Alaikum I have heard and read many hadiths that supports praying Witr prayer during the latter part of the night especially after Tahajud,,, however during the Month of Ramadaan the Witr is prayed in congregation after Salaatul Taraweeh. I have seen many […]
Question: A salaamu alaikum, I was asked this question by a muslim brother, sometime ago. “What is the minimum number of people that can perform Juma salaah”? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, Besides the Imam, there must be three males who have passed the age […]
Question: I have a question regarding zaakat. When it is paid on a yearly basis is the 2.5% due on your surplus earned during that given year alone or is it due on your entire surplus. E.g. if I earned a surplus of 10 thousand […]
Question, On the topic of Zakaat, must one own the nisaab for an entire year before one can pay Zakaat? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, Yes, one must own the nisaab for an entire year before Zakaah is paid on the savings. And Allah knows […]