Assalam Alikum, I have been told over the years that Zakaah must be given to the local community and any excess can be sent as needed. Is it allowed for me to send my Zakaah to other places of need eg Somalia? Answer: Wa Alaikum […]
Question: Assalam wa alaikum I have been reading up alot on-line about the payments of Zakaat and i read somewhere that if one has a loan he may be exempted from paying this once the debt exceeds the savings… I was wondering however if this […]
Wa Alaikum As Salaam, The verse which is referred to is verse 45 of Sura Al Ankabut which states, ‘Recite (O Muhammad) what has been revealed to you of the book (the Holy Quran), and establish Salaah. Surely, Salaah prevents from shamelessness and evil. And […]
Question Salaam , Can you kindly recommend a Dua which I can say, to cleanse my heart and mind and gain forgiveness from Allah. I would really like the best one. Answer: Assalaamu Alaikum, You can recite the following dua:- ‘Allahumma Aati Nafsi Taqwaha Wa […]
Quran: Assalaamu Alaikum I would like to find out if you can read out the Holy Quran and then make the 14 Sajdas or when you reach each Sajda you have to make it same time. Please explain in detail. Jazakallah. Answer: Wa Alaikum As […]
Assalaamu Alaikum It is indeed alarming, rather disgusting to know that such derogatory remarks and fabricated statements could be made by one who considers himself to be a Muslim. The utterances which were recently made on an Islamic channel by its host against Maulana Sheraz, […]
In today’s world, the word ‘Halaal’ has become very famous and is commonly used by many throughout the world. While it may be something which really does not matter to the non-Muslims, it is a matter which is extremely important and significant for a Muslim. […]