SALAAT AT-TARAWEEH Taraweeh Salaah, as explained by the scholars of Islam is one which is performed exclusively in the Holy month of Ramadhan. It is done after the Isha (Salaah) and before the witr (Salaah) during the nights of Ramadhan and brings about a tremendous […]
Question: if someone is ill and not able to fast, and its very difficult for him to locate someone to feed everyday. is there any other teachings he can follow or do? Answer: Assalaamu Alaikum First of all, it is important to know that feeding […]
Question: Assalamualaikum Mufti saab I decided to travel to my village which is more than 80 Kms away from my house by car. I will be a Musafir. Assuming i started travelling, after reaching 40 Kms, if i want to pray namaz say zuhr salah […]
Question: Salaam, Just wanted to know – if performing an everyday regular bath with soap (Head to foot) and THEN performing Ghusl whilst still being wet from the first bath / regular bath will be acceptable when in a state of Junub…. Was Salaam Answer: […]
Question: Assaalmu Alaikum, I would like to know if my husband is putting money into a savings account for me. Do i pay zakaah or does he have to pay it on the savings? If my allowance that i get on a monthly basis is […]
Question: Can you please tell me how do i go about calculating how much zakaah i am required to pay on my savings? Is it 2% of my savings? And can i give this money to any imaam or member of a masjid? Wa Alaikumus […]
Question: Assaalaam Alaikum. I owe someone $9000.00 but I can pay a little at a time. I have $10000.00 this Ramadhan, do I pay zakaat from that or continue to just pay back my loan which I pay about $500.00 a month? Answer: Wa Alaikum […]