Question: Should children be running and playing in front of you in the masjid while one is performing salaah and also squirming their way to pass through the lines? Answer: Assalaamu Alaikum, No, it is not permissible for children to behave in this manner in […]
Q. How much gold do you have to own to pay Zakaat? For instance, my wife has 5 oz weight in jewellery. Will she have to pay Zakaat on that amount and if so how much? A. When a person has 2.8 ozs of gold, […]
Q. In the instance of Medical Insurance as in the case of UNIMED for teachers, does one have to pay Zakaat on the premiums paid over a year? Similarly, does one have to pay Zakaat on the premiums paid on Third Party car insurance as […]
Q. I read that the money spent on family will be like sadaqah. So if I buy some gifts like shoes or a purse for my mum will it also be sadaqah, keeping in view that she has many? A. Yes, it will be as […]
Q. If you give Sadaqat or Zakaat using funds that have been obtained through evil and illegal means; i.e drugs and money laundering; is this accepted? A. No, the Sadaqat will not be accepted and the Zakaat will not be considered as fulfilled and accepted. […]
Q. Non-Muslim churches and children homes, etc. sometimes approach Muslim businesses for charity. Would it be permissible to give financial help to them, or would it be considered as condoning their shirk? Would it be allowed if we give foodstuff/clothing/furniture? A. Donations to children’s homes […]
Q. My question concerns Zakaat. The company I work for has a pension plan of which both employee and employer contributes to the employee’s plan. Presently I do not have access to this money. Only when I retire or if I resign then I will […]
Q. I suffer from clinical depression and I have been on and off medication for many years. During phases of deep depression (lasting 2-3 months) I lose weight due to not eating, I experience chronic fatigue which results in my sleeping up to 18 hrs […]
Q. While doing sajdah of the sajdah tilawat, if a persons says the wrong dua of the sajadah then is the sajdah offered or do we have to offer it again? Also do we have to say tasbeeh of Sajdah, then masnoon dua of sajdah […]
Q. What is the way in which you move somebody back to start a new saf during a jam’aat? Do you start your own prayer and then step forward and place your hand on a person’s shoulder to indicate to them to move back, or […]