Q. I wanted to know in a sunnat salaat of Zuhr, in which order can we recite the following suras: SURA ASR, SURA FEEL, SURA KAUTHER, SURA KAFIROON, SURA NASR, SURA IKHLAS, SURA NAS, SURA FALAQ. Please give all the possible combinations. Also I would […]
Q. In Fard Salaah, in the 3rd and 4th Rakaahs, only Surah Fatiha is recited. What about in other Salaah like Sunnah and Witr, only Surah Fatiha is recited in the 3rd and 4th Rakaahs or is it compulsory to recite a Surah after? A. […]
Q. Is it a sin to sleep during the zawaal after fajr salaat? I heard it is makrooh. Makrooh tahrema or tanzini? Also during my exams if it gets very late then I study till fajr and its difficult for me to stay up after […]
Q. When calculating Isha timing by one third for mustahab time, do we have to calculate from start of Maghrib up to dawn or from start of Isha up to dawn? A. You have to calculate from the beginning time of Isha until dawn. And […]
Q. What is the proof for the Imam holding a staff during the kuthbah? A. In a tradition recorded by Imam Abu Dawood, it is narrated that the companion, Hakam bin Hazn Al Kulfi (RA) said, ‘We witnessed Juma with the Prophet (SA), and while […]
Q. How much time before dawn does the sehri time START? Is there more sawaab in eating sehri near dawn, that is delayed sehri, rather than eating it one hour before? A. The time for Sehri lasts until the break of dawn. As soon as […]
Tafseer [mp3-jplayer tracks=”https://darululoomtt.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Tafseer-of-Surah-Muttaffeen.mp3,https://darululoomtt.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Tafseer-of-Surah-NAAZIAT-PT.1.mp3,https://darululoomtt.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Tafseer-of-Surah-NAAZIAT-PT.2.mp3,https://darululoomtt.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Tafseer-of-Surah-GASHIYA.mp3,https://darululoomtt.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Tafseer-of-Surah-INFITAR.mp3,https://darululoomtt.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Tafseer-of-Surah-Burug-1.mp3,https://darululoomtt.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Tafseer-of-Surah-Burug-Pt.2-and-Surah-Taariq.mp3,https://darululoomtt.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Tafseer-of-Surah-Balad.mp3 “]