Urgent Notice from the Darul Uloom Halaal Committee. Date: Tuesday 5th October 2021. The company which produces the Nature’s Way Multivitamin tablets which is distributed locally by H and J Enterprises has changed its formulation to include bovine gelatin. This means that they are no […]
DARUL ULOOM T&T invites one and all to join us 💥TONIGHT💥 for our first live “DIPLOMA IN ARABIC LANGUAGE”Class. PLEASE CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO JOIN: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81254993753?pwd=MUM4SU1qUXNrOXhYUFJXZU1VL211dz09. Jazakallah Khairan.
DARUL ULOOM T&T Invite one and all to join us 💥TONIGHT💥 for our first live “CERTIFICATE IN FIQH”Class. PLEASE CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO JOIN: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81254993753?pwd=MUM4SU1qUXNrOXhYUFJXZU1VL211dz09. Jazakallah kirah.