After this, other members of Husain’s family came to the forefront and battled with the enemies. Qasim the son of Hasan (R.A), another great grandson of the Prophet (S.A.S), was put to death, and the family members were being martyred one by one. At that […]
In the letter, Ubaidullah made his orders very clear and stated, ‘My orders are clear. If he surrenders himself, he should be sent to me alive. In case he refuses, he should be attacked. Shed his blood and disfigure his body as he deserves it. […]
نيلسرملا فرشا ىلع ملاسلا و ةلاصلاو , نيملاعلا بر لله دمحلا , دعب و , نيعمجا هباحصا و هلا ىلع و The gruesome killing of Imam Husain (R.A) on the bloody plains of Karbala was indeed one of the most horrific and tragic events that […]
Sidratul-Muntaha Following this meeting with Ibrahim (A.S), the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) was raised to the Sidratul-Muntaha. This is a lotus tree towering above the seventh heaven. Whatever rises from the earth stops at Sidratul- Muntaha (the lotus-tree of the outer extremity). And from this […]
ISRA AND MIRAJ (Part 2) The Descent to Baitul-Muqaddas (Masjid Al Aqsa) The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) arrived at Baitul-Muqaddas in this splendour and dismounted from the Buraq. According to the narration of Sahih Muslim, Anas (R.A) says that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) tethered […]
(ISRA AND MIRAJ) (Part 1) The Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) was indeed one of the greatest and most miraculous events which took place in his life. It was a journey where he was invited by Allah to visit the heavens and finally be […]