
Meat Distributors


Halaal beef, lamb, goat  meats can be obtained from many suppliers that must be accompanied with the relevant halaal certificates/stamps/logo/approval letters:

NM Ghany and Co. ltd          Naisa Brand Products            Gopaul and Company ltd.
Westco                                     Vasha Foods                           Hadco
Southern Food Basket          Malabar Farms Ltd

The DUHC appreciates the fact that these local meat importers/distributors import halaal meats. In order to regulate these organisations, we regularly do site visits and issue letters of halaal approval to reassure the Muslim consumers concerning the authenticating of meats.

Please note that these suppliers and many supermarkets may sell halaal beef, lamb and goat etc. Customers interested in purchasing halaal meats should ensure that there is no contamination with non- halaal meats, e.g usages of the same meats cutters/usage of the same prep are etc. They must also look for the relevant updated halaal certificates that are posted up for public view.  Please call the DUHC if there are any doubts.

No foreign poultry products are certified or approved by DUHC unless explicitly stated by an official DUHC letter/certificate. 




Fine Choice Meats Ltd. and Heat and Eat Ltd. (643-8860) San Rafael, Arima. All broilers, parts. Heat ‘n’ Eat Products.

Arawak Ltd. (642-9405) All poultry products.

  1.  D’Abadie
  2. Arima


As-Salaam Distributors (691-1654) Manrick Street, Sangre Grande. All broilers, layers, ducks etc.



A&D Distributors (681-7019) #50 Las Lomas, #1 Cunupia.  Arawak Distributor- All Arawak Chicken only.

Nich & Su Company Ltd (719-8583) Assaraff Road, Charlieville. All chicken.

Ghuraba Traders (689-7581) #13 Warren Munroe Road, Cunupia. All chicken.

Ronsel Distributors (472-7092) Chin Chin Main Road, Cunupia. Meat Distributor for chicken.

Naisa Brand Products Ltd (665-3078/9) #23 Bejucal Rd. Cunupia. All frozen beef, lamb, goat and other meats. Also, all processed products, bologna, patties, chicken, beef and lamb hot dogs and Jamaican patties.

S.Khan Cutlery & Cuisine (345-5824) L.P. #117 Caroni Savannah Road Charlieville. Meat Distributor for chicken, duck, lamb and beef.







Meat from Uruguay – Beef and Lamb imported from Uruguay and certified by Uruguay Islamic Centre are approved as halaal by the Darul Uloom Halaal Committee.

Meat from New Zealand,

Beef, Lamb and Goat imported from New Zealand and certified by New Zealand Meat Management (NZMM) and Federation of Islamic Association of New Zealand (FIANZ) has been approved Halaal for Muslim consumption by the DUHC.
Imported meats such as lamb, beef, goat and other products from New Zealand and Uruguay are approved Halaal for Muslim consumption. Please request Halaal Certificates.


Beef, Lamb and Goat imported from Australia and certified by Al Iman Islamic Society, Islamic Coordination Service of Victoria,  Supreme Islamic Council of Halaal Meats in Australia as well as meat certified by AFIC, AHFST, ICCA in Australia etc. have been approved as halaal.


Green Olive (681-7203) #83 Bamboo Settlement, #2 Valsayn (South) (7th Jan 2019) All chicken, ducks, beef and lamb.

Meat Hook Ltd. (388-2805) El Socorro Main Road San Juan (25th Sep. 2018)

All chicken, beef, duck, lamb, goat and products.

Fine Choice Meats Ltd. and Heat and Eat Ltd. (643-8860) San Rafael, Arima. (5th Mar. 2018) All broilers, parts. Heat ‘n’ Eat Products.

Arawak & Company Ltd. (642-9405)

  1. a) D’Abadie (26th May 2018)
  2. b) Arima (26th May 2018) All broilers and products.

As-Salaam Distributors (708-7897) Manrick Street, Sangre Grande (8th Dec 2018) All broilers, layers, ducks etc.

Al Ahsan Distributors (345-3415) #47 Butler Village, Waterloo Rd, Carapichaima. (16th Jan 2018) All broilers, layers, ducks, beef, lamb, goat etc.

Amir Mohammed Quality Meats  # 65 Chin Chin Road, Cunupia. (20th Oct 2018) All broilers, ducks, beef, lamb, goat etc.

 Edmund & Nick Enterprises (719-8583) #11 Serenity Park, Assaraff Rd, Charlieville. Arawak chicken and parts. (14th April 2018)

Naisa Brand Products Ltd (665-3078/9) #23 Bejucal Rd. Cunupia. (16th July 2018) All frozen beef, lamb, goat and other meats. Also all processed products, bologna, patties, chicken, beef and lamb hot dogs and Jamaican patties