As Saalamu Alaikum 

I had a dream where I was in my grave and I was being questioned. I would like to know if there’s any meaning to this dream?




Wa Alaikum As Salaam,

With respect to what you have asked, the great scholar and Imam of interpretation of dreams, Imam Muhammad bin Sirin writes, ‘If one sees himself dead in a grave without being dead, it denotes that the one who buries him is forcing or imprisoning him. If he then dies in the grave, worries will put an end to his life. Yet, if he does not pass away in that grave, he will be relieved from this imprisonment and injustice’.

Some scholars have stated, ‘If a man is buried, his faith will be blemished. If he sees that he gets out of the grave after being buried in it, the repentance is desired for him’.

(Tafseer Al Ahlam Al Kabir page. 105)

And Allah Knows best

Mufti Waseem Khan
