As Salaamu Alaikum,

What is the best method when making dua? I know one should praise Allah and then send durood on Rasullullah (saw). What should one recite when praising Allah? Also please advise if Sura Fatiha is acceptable. Thank you. As Salaamu Alaikum.


Wa Alaikum As Salaam,

The following are some guidelines which you can follow in order to establish a good method of making dua:-

  1. One should be in a state of Wudhu while making dua. If he is not in this state, he should perform Wudhu and then make dua. This is not essential or compulsory, since one can make dua when he is not in the state of wudhu. However, it is evident that the Prophet (S.A.S) would normally make Wudhu when he wanted to make dua. Regarding this, it is narrated from Abu Musa Ash’ari (R.A) that he said, ‘Abu Amir asked me to convey Salam (greetings) to the Prophet (S.A.S) and request him to make dua for him’. Abu Musa Ash’ari (R.A) then met the Prophet (S.A.S), and conveyed this message to him. Upon hearing this, the Messenger of Allah (S.A.S) asked for water and performed Wudhu. He then made dua and said, ‘O Allah, forgive Abu Amir and grant him a special rank among people on the day of Judgement’. (Bukhari).


Imam Jazri (A.R) and Imam Al Baihaqi have also mentioned that being in a state of Wudhu is from among the Adaab (etiquettes) of making dua. (Ad Dua Al Masnoon Pgs 111-113  Zam Zam Publishers Karachi 2007).


  1. It is virtuous to face the Qiblah while making dua. Although it is not essential to do so, it is evident that on many occasions, the Prophet (S.A.S) turned to the Qiblah while making dua. Hence, many scholars have considered it Mustahab to do so. In this regard, Jabir (R.A) narrated that the Prophet (S.A.S) went to Arafah and then turned to the Qiblah and made dua. (Muslim).


Umar bin Khattab (R.A) narrates that on the occasion of the battle of Badr, the Prophet (S.A.S) turned towards the Qiblah and made dua in a loud voice while spreading out his hands. (Abu Dawood).


Jabir (R.A) also narrated that when the Prophet (S.A.S) went to Muzdalifah at the time of the farewell pilgrimage, he turned towards the Qiblah and made dua. (Abu Dawood).


  1. While making dua, one should raise one’s hand to the level of the chest. It is also permissible to raise the hands to the level of one’s shoulders or to the level of one’s face. Regarding this, Abdullah bin Abbas (R.A) narrated that the Prophet (S.A.S) once said, ‘This is dua’, and he then raised both hands to the level of his shoulders. (Tabrani).


While making dua, the Prophet (S.A.S) used to also join both hands and raised them to the level of the chest.


  1. While making dua, one should start by praising and glorifying Allah, and then send Darood upon the Prophet (S.A.S). After this, he can recite other Arabic duas, and ask Allah for what he wants.

Regarding this, the companion Fadhalah bin Ubaid (R.A) narrates, ‘We were once sitting with the Prophet (S.A.S) when a person came and performed Salah. The person then made dua and said  اللهمّ اغفرلى وارحمنى ‘Allahumagh firli Warhamni’ (O Allah! Forgive me and have mercy on me). Upon hearing this, the Prophet (S.A.S) said, “You have hastened in dua. When you  complete your Salah and then sit (for dua),  praise Allah as he ought to be praised,  send Darood  (Salaat – blessings) upon me and then make dua to Allah for what you want. (Tirmidhi).


From this, it is evident that when one raises his hands to make dua, he should first praise Allah with excellent words of praise. Then he should send Darood (Salaat) upon the Prophet (S.A.S) and  make dua after this for what he wants.

While praising Allah at the beginning of dua, one can recite any words of praise that are transmitted from the Quran and Ahaadith. In a tradition from the companion Salma bin Akwa (R.A), he said that he heard the Prophet (S.A.S) at the beginning of dua saying:-

سُبْحَانَ رَبِّىَ الاعلىٰ العَلِىُّ الوَهَّابِ

‘Subhaana Rabbiyal Aa’la Al Aliyul Wahab’ (Glory be to my Lord, the Highest. He is the Most High, the Bestower). (Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaibah)

  1. It is also evident from Ahadith that while making dua, one should call upon Allah by using his sacred names. One can say ‘Yaa Rabbi’ (O my Rabb), as it is mentioned from Aisha (R.A) that the Prophet (S.A.S) said,‘Whenever a servant (in his dua) says ‘Yaa Rabb,Yaa Rabb,Yaa Rabb, then Allah responds to him and says ‘Labbaik’ (I am present) O my servant. Ask and you shall be given. (Majma Az Zawaa’id).

It is also narrated from Anas (R.A) that the Prophet (S.A.S) said that in dua, one should call upon Allah while saying  يا ذالجلال و الاكرام ‘Ya Dhal Jalaali Wal Ikram’ (O the Possessor of Majesty, and Lord of Generosity). (Tirmidhi; Kanzul  Umaal).

Another tradition narrated by Abu Umamah (R.A) says that the Prophet (S.A.S) said that whoever says three times in his dua يا ارحم الراحمين  ‘Ya Arhamar Raahimeen’ (O the Most Merciful of those who show mercy), then Allah  appoints an angel who says to the person, ‘Arhamur Raahimeen is paying attention (listening) to you. So ask Allah (for what you want)’. (Hakim in his Mustadrak). In this way, a person should make dua by calling the beautiful names of Allah, as the Prophet (S.A.S) himself did. It is  narrated by Anas (R.A) that while making dua, the Prophet (S.A.S) used to also say يا حىّ يا قيوم  ‘Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayoom’ (O The Ever- living; O The Self- Sustaining).

It is important to know that dua should be done with the heart and not only with the tongue. In other words, one must not be inattentive and unmindful of what he is saying with the tongue. Instead, his mind and heart must be present and conscious of what is being uttered with the tongue. Dua is not the name of a set of formal recitals which one does with the tongue. It is much deeper than this. It is, in reality, one’s deep desire in his heart to humble himself with his body, heart and mind to the Majestic Being, Allah, and place his plea, supplication and request with sincere humility and submission. While making dua, one must not be absent minded, distracted or unmindful of what he is saying. Abdullah bin Umar (R.A) narrated that the Prophet (S.A.S) said, ‘When you make dua to Allah, then ask Him with firm certainty that He will accept your dua. Allah does not accept the dua of that servant whose heart is unmindful (while making dua). (Musnad Ahmad; Majma Az Zawaid; Hakim).

  1. From among the Adaab (etiquettes) of making dua is that one should supplicate to Allah with certainty and firmness of the mind, that Allah will accept one’s dua. One should not have doubts in his mind (heart) that his dua may or may not be accepted. He should not have uncertainty in his mind and be hesitant to ask Allah for what he needs. The Prophet (S.A.S) said, ‘When you make dua to Allah, then ask Him with firm certainty (in your heart) that he will accept your dua’. (Ibid)

Abu Hurairah narrated that the Prophet (S.A.S) said that one should not make dua by uttering statements like ‘O Allah, if you wish, forgive me’, or ‘O Allah, if you wish, have mercy on me’ or ‘O Allah, if you wish, grant me sustenance’. Rather, ask with certainty and determination’. (Al Baihaqi).

  1. From the etiquettes of dua is that one should conclude his dua by praising Allah and sending Darood upon the Prophet (S.A.S). Regarding this, Jabir (R.A) narrated that the Prophet (S.A.S) said, ‘Remember me (i.e. send darood upon me) at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of your dua’. (Majma’ Az Zawaa’id).

On account of this, Allama Nawawi (A.R) stated that it is unanimously accepted by all scholars that one should begin one’s dua with Allah’s praise and Darood upon the Prophet (S.A.S), and should also end his dua with Allah’s praise and Darood upon the Prophet(S.A.S).’ He then said, “There are many narrations which establish this”. (Kitab Al Adhkar – Nawawi).

  1. It is also narrated that duas which are important and beloved to a person, can be made three times. In this regard, Abdullah bin Masood (R.A) reported that those duas that were beloved to the Prophet (S.A.S), he would make these (utter them) three times. (Majma Az Zawaa’id).
  2. While making dua, it is better to do it in a soft and low voice, and not a loud voice. Regarding this, Anas (R.A) narrated from the Prophet (S.A.S) that he said, ‘Duas made in a soft and low voice are seventy times more virtuous than those that are done aloud’. (Kanzul Umaal).

From this, it is understood that although making dua in a loud voice is permissible, it is more virtuous and better to do it in a low voice/tone, especially when one is alone (making his personal dua).

  1. While closing the dua, the Prophet (S.A.S) also advised that a person should end his dua by saying ‘Ameen’. In this regard, it is narrated from Abu Zuhair that he said, ‘We went out one night with the Messenger of Allah (S.A.S) and a man came to us who was making dua for some matter. The Prophet (S.A.S) listened to him and then said, ‘It must be so (it will be accepted) if he seals it’. Upon this, a man said, ‘O Prophet, with what should he seal it?’ The Prophet (S.A.S) said, ‘With Ameen. If he ends it with Ameen, it will be so’ (that is, it will be accepted. (Abu Dawood).

It for this reason, the companion (Sahabi) Abu Zuhair used to say, ‘End your dua with ‘Ameen’. Saying ‘Ameen’ at the end of your dua is just like placing a seal at the end of a letter’. It is also narrated that the Prophet (S.A.S) said, ‘If one ends his dua with ‘Ameen’, then he has made its acceptance essential.(Masnoon Dua Page 93 Zam Zam Karachi 2007).

  1. Having completed the dua, a person should then wipe his hands over his face, as this was the Sunnah of the Prophet (S.A.S).

In this regard, Abdullah bin Abbas (R.A) narrated that the Prophet (S.A.S) said, ‘When one completes his dua, he should wipe his hands on his face’. (Abu Dawood; Ibn Majah).

Saa’ib bin Yazeed also narrated from his father that when the Prophet (S.A.S) made dua, he will lift both his hands and then pass them on his face (when he completed). (Abu Dawood). Umar bin Khattab (R.A) also narrated that when the Messenger of Allah (S.A.S) raised his hands for dua, he will not put them down until he passed them on his face (Tirmidhi).

The above are some important Adaab (etiquettes) of making dua which are established from the blessed Sunnah (practice) of the Prophet (S.A.S). If we follow these, it will cause our duas to be accepted by Allah, Insha Allah.

And Allah Knows best

Mufti Waseem Khan
